Thread: <Castle>
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Old 11-13-2020, 02:40 PM
Algustus Algustus is offline

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Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 37

Hey folks. I've been playing on Green since it went live. This summer I joined Castle. It's been a great experience for me, but I haven't spent nearly as much time grouping or raiding with you as I would like to. That's because my wife is really I'll with long term badness and I need to be afk a lot, sometimes with no notice. Taking care of my girl and holding down a full time job keeps me busy most of the time. Castle folks consistently invite me to fun groups even though I blow them off most of the time and are always helpful. I appreciate you! I'm online as Menkin 45 wiz or Sahlty 32 cleric when I have the time.
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