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Old 04-29-2021, 07:29 PM
baue1446 baue1446 is offline

Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 104
Default Green lvl 21 War -- best solo weapons?

So, I finally got a fungi for my war and want to start soloing. I used it on monk and was able to solo pretty much with ease till about 50 and im hoping to have similar results with war. Obviously with differences. But I am having difficulty finding the right weapons to be the most effective solo.

I dont have a ton of time to play most days so thats why im soloing and just want an effective high dps combo to solo.

I keep seeing mixed suggestions on the best weapon combo for him. Hes only lvl 21 so take that into account. Ive heard things like staff of battle is best till 40s? But then ive also heard Wurmslayer/Lamination is also a good combo? But then others say I should be putting the fastest weapon in primary (which rules out Wurmslayer).

So. In short. If i wanna solo and want the best possible dps output on a lvl 21 what is the general consensus on weapons to get me there?