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Old 11-13-2020, 08:19 PM
LoganVivisected LoganVivisected is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 72

I did LOIO until I was 10 on my Iksar SK. FOB is just too full right now. It's a big zone but not 50+ levelers and another 2-3 PL teams clearing NE big. Kurns is a bit of a joke right now too; you have necros soloing single spawn points most of the day and not many healers around to actually run a group up top or in the basement with yet, (though I have had a little success lately with the few Iksar shamans there are hitting Kurns levels). LOIO is certainly more sparse but you'll likely get more kills in as a melee. Highly advise you to get a bow too to cut down on people snagging things from in front of you with spells.
Vult Mortem 60 Dark Elf Warrior