Thread: New account
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Old 09-21-2019, 02:08 PM
tsuchang tsuchang is offline

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Default New account

I've asked this before and forget how to start a new server account. I have two now and they are both full of characters. I'd like to start a new one for the green server. How do I do that. I'm 74 and forget how to do that. In fact I forgot that I mentioned that in the first sentence. See what I mean.
In light of my feeble mental facilities, please make your non troll comments clear like you would to your grandpa.
Thanks for making this game fun for me. That is, if you are one of the few that do. The rest of you are trolls and should be .... something or other that is not PC to mention unless your are the current president then it is ok to say unkind things but I am sure he has more pressing things to do than play with kids like you on a game like this. How was that for a run on sentence?
Pacifism is great as long as everyone is participating.