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Old 04-20-2016, 09:34 AM
nekki1082 nekki1082 is offline
Decaying Skeleton

Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 2

Years ago on Brell (Kunark era I believe, but it's really tough to keep all my timelines straight), an in-game friend and I were duo-ing Cyclops in the OOT. He was a shaman and I was a warrior and it was slow, steady and challenging.

We didn't really chat at all in general, even when figuring out strategy for whatever we were doing. It was more of that similar playstyle understanding, no banter; if problems came up we corrected them simply and quickly.

I think on that particular day most of our conversation had been "Found a new spot, hop the OOT boat."

Keep in mind, this guy was an in-game friend only, someone I had met along the way and did not know in any way beyond his character.

On this particular day, my lady-friend at the time was also online and sending ever increasing "adult" tells to me. I was doing my best to ignore her, but she was persistent, knowing I was busy and thinking it was funny.

Finally, I typed something close to: "/g My pants are on! And they're staying on!" ... oops. Shammy buddy didn't say a word, he paused for a pretty noticeable 5 seconds or so (I'd like to think he was laughing, but I doubt it), and we continued on.

He never mentioned anything. I never mentioned anything. We stayed friends a long time.