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Old 05-16-2019, 01:51 PM
stebbins99 stebbins99 is offline

Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 362

Bardp1999, as usual, has some awesome input on necros and their viability outside of soloing. Shadowbond is an awesome spell, to be sure. One option not listed above, albeit slower (and safer) exp for later on:

Have the monk pull + "tank and spank" while the necro employs heals, CC, and rogue pet (for backstabbing damage) at 53. Monk should have little issues keeping mob's back turned to rogue pet.

I am pretty sure that lvls 54-60 take about as much time as lvls 1-54; thus, if you guys want to keep your same toons and level-up a bit more, you have a solid combo to look forward to. Fear kiting definitely sucks when you are the melee trying to chase around a feared mob. *Maybe* it would be a bit more fun if you were backstabbing, ie a rogue

Both classes having FD is simply awesome, too.