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Old 02-16-2014, 07:32 PM
Arterian Arterian is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 207
Default Necro or enchanter...Go!

I've played a necro since day one of live back in 99. I'm extremely fond of feign death, a semi powerful pet and the overall fun stuff a skilled necro can pull off. I also think necros look like bosses. My nec here is currently 40.

I just started a baby enc who is currently 15. Charm is fun...although at times I want to pull my hair out with breaks. It is also annoying to afk without fd.

At 60 how much stronger in soloing are enc than nec? I really enjoy complex skillful soloing indoors which is what has drawn me to an enc. They seem to be able to pull off stuff even necros couldn't dream of. The solo challenge is barely touched by necros.
