Thread: cryptocurrency
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Old 06-16-2019, 06:44 PM
Dwarflord Dwarflord is offline

Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 201

If you cant see it, how do you know its real?

Blockchain technology is a cool idea, but again. Bitcoin was started by some japanese guy and the blockchain being used for BTC is HIS and HIS ALONE

A loading bar does not mean you are keeping a ledger, you cant see anything the software is doing, because its his he can edit it as he pleases

Im sorry you are a gullable child hippo and dirt poor. Maybe in the future you will learn that when it comes to money everyone is lying and that dude rolled out the biggest ponzi in history and shit all over bernie and he is a free man.

The second biggest ponzi will be owned by mark cuckerberg next year.