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Old 02-14-2020, 03:33 AM
Arogarn Arogarn is offline

Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 145

Hey everyone,

It is with great pleasure that I can announce that the itchy Gossamer linens that have plagued my sensitive gnomish skin have been discarded for the luxuriously comfortable silks of a Shining Metallic Robe!!

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I was able to meet with an adventurer late last week and we both found a satisfactory accord where he traded the spoils of his adventuring deep in the undead riddled halls of Froglok kings, and I was able to help out a young ranger friend of his by allowing him to complete the accord that the gypsies had set up with the Arcane Orders of Norrath.

In total, we settled on 350 Greater Lightstones, or 44 bags worth over 6 young druids I hired to hold the stones. In doing so, he was able to advance from a Ranger of the 12th season, all the way past level 20. I didn't have them all consolidated, but someone asked for a screenshot of some of the Greater Lightstones.

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Now that I've climbed back up to the comfort and luxury that I had grown accustomed to before being assailed by a group of brigands in my home of the Steamfont Mountains, and stripped of my robes, I can venture forth, further into the world, and seek fame and fortune as I continue to master the art of the Arcane. Thanks to my buyer and to everyone else who supported me in this venture, I'm very happy to have achieved this goal.