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Old 08-27-2013, 02:58 AM
Arteker Arteker is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 705

our MT always ditched epic(and it was first epic war made in solusek ro) in favour of his loved gladius(private joke for the verix and veldrak swords) for maintank often used shishar but he disliked alot dot based weapons.

when velious hit , he used veldrak + willsapper till we got him, a salandrite dagger wich used together with willsapper, then later replaced both with sods.

he keep the sods till replaced by hategiver +bloodfrenzy, that was before we realized boc was aswell changed , it used to be a glorified switblade of zek with lamy graphic.

that day we found it out guild bank cried alot since we sold 2 of them for shitty cash.