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Old 02-11-2011, 02:04 PM
Tetrian Tetrian is offline

Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 54

Greed, unless with friends and its been talked over and everyone is good with NBG.

The fungi camp btw, is a prime example of caster screwing. You want a cleric there, and you likely want a chanter there - as well as an evacer / corpse summoner And jack shit drops there for them outside the occational spell.

And lets face it, 80K or however much the fungi is worth, can pretty much buy one every single spell needed in kunark - as well as a long list of gear upgrades.

Outside of that, and thats the prime reason. I've had enough with the retards who claims NBG, with an item already in their stash somewhere, and then sells it. It happened to me twice on schrooms on live from "need" classes.

In short, fuck it on pickup groups.