Thread: Sarnak Courier
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Old 04-21-2016, 09:00 PM
Lemonhead Lemonhead is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 203

You are getting unlucky. I only camped one and tried a little for a second. It was 8.5 hrs about (not straight, you are a crazy person). But from talking to a lot of people, I think the drop rate is 2%. At 6 spawns per hr, that puts average 8.33 hrs. It may also be 1%, but with more than 10minute Couriers.

My thought is 6-10hrs average, but more toward the back end of that. That is with 2 spawns of course. There are a number of other spots, including a possible 3 spawn, but holding down 2 is sucky enough.

The 3 spawn is um away from the water, by hill not far from the standard spot. I never got 3 going, but have seen it. I have the /locs somewhere, let me see if I can find it.

Worst camp ever. Don't even bother if ur gonna 1 spawn it, less u are xping, imo.