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Old 08-09-2017, 08:34 PM
Rabitz Rabitz is offline

Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 82

ELI5 preaching about server reputation while hiding behind a throwaway account. Quality second post dog. To answer your questions...

Is it a game where everyone who puts forth the required effort is rewarded?
Only one person wins a roll.

Is it a game where everyone that participates is rewarded?
Only one person wins a roll.

Or is it a game where everyone that shows up is rewarded?
Only one person wins a roll.

A /random for turn in rights is different from instanced zones for everyone with a pair of dice. Props for rhetorical questions that invoke powerful sentiments unrelated to anything that's actually happening though.

Ssouky hit it best tho, 10/10- would ForumQuest again.