Thread: Solo Cazel?
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Old 06-24-2018, 11:17 AM
Torik Torik is offline

Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 162

His regen is ~350 per tick and asphyxiate only does 55 per tick, so I don’t think dotting him will help much..

A few things I forgot to mention...

Make sure you give the merchants torches so they quad attack.. Procing weapons aren’t necessary, however, if you give them serrated bone dirks, Cazel won’t run out of range of your nuke at low HP.

Also, the wiki claims that he is unstunnable, which is false. His hit box seems relatively small.. when he was within range to attack me, my stuns did not even touch him because I was too far away. But when he would summon me they would land every time.

Also, he is unmezable, and I don’t think the wiki has that info.