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Old 09-06-2019, 10:57 AM
Benanov Benanov is offline

Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 352

I think it's a perspective issue.

Of *course* OP is farming out effort for skillups. It's an enlightened self-interest type move.

However, banded doesn't exist on a brand new server without players to make it. So instead of skilling up on your own time and selling it when it's in demand, OP's just farming it out at a reduced cost.

The materials are definitely cheaper than 1pp/AC. Even at my crappy 62CHA they were in Cabilis.

If you don't like the scheme, don't participate. If people don't participate, the scheme will fall over, and OP will go back to skilling up himself and doing the 1pp/AC route...but economics will say that some people will be happy to pay 2pp/AC, if there's only one game in town. At least for a short while until competition skills up.