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Old 10-30-2017, 03:07 PM
Grizzler Grizzler is offline

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Join Date: May 2014
Location: Upstate New York
Posts: 215

Had a great time a couple nights back with some folks from this guild in Splitpaw. Was a great time and enjoyed speaking with everyone.

Just wondering what you guys are focusing on planar raids right now or what? Are raids mandatory?

I have a 54 cleric, 38 druid and 31 war that I am actively playing and a whole assortment of alts at lower levels that I would eventually like to level. Just trying to find a new home in a guild that enjoys leveling a bunch of characters and guild groups since my current guild is deserted and not necessarily making a come back anytime soon.
<The Second Sons>
Grizzler - Cleric
Fasttravel - Druid
Herbila - Warrior