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Old 02-18-2021, 02:00 PM
Gwaihir Gwaihir is offline

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Ebionites believed that in order to be a Christian you have to live under the Torah; like Christ lived. I.e. you had to convert to Judaism.

Moreover, they believed that veganism was required in that walk, because Genesis 1:29 stated that God designed us to be vegetarian, and that because we are what we eat, when we eat death we become spiritually dead.

Furthermore, like in the Yogic faith, the whole meditative enlightenment concept that we now call "New Age" hogwash, to the Ebionite that was the way; gaining mastery of the Jungian shadow; a system of dualism where "Man" is a conflicted spiritual entity where Mind makes reality and our actions, and the outcome of the struggle between Ego and Self determine whether we obtain salvation. Pauline Christianity states that salvation comes by grace alone, and is in direct conflict with James' statement that faith without works is dead; that is faith means "trust" and if you're not trusting that God's way is wiser than Egos way and walking accordingly then there is no faith to begin with...

Read Genesis 32 with the perspective I elaborated on in the Lent thread. The "Two Camps" are both the split between the left and right hemisphere of the human brain (where the Pineal gland resides in the middle of the "inner world") and in the physical world denotes the split between the eastern and western hemisphere (Mid atlantic ridge in our Time, but in their time was the rift between the mountains in the Gilead screenshot I posted) and in the spiritual world denotes the left and right hemisphere of each Syzygy.

As above, so below, so within.
Last edited by Gwaihir; 02-18-2021 at 02:25 PM..