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Old 01-11-2019, 12:43 PM
Throndor Throndor is offline

Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 1,277


"In 1925 Nikolai Bukharin described the lumpenproletariat as being characterized by "shiftlessness, lack of discipline, hatred of the old, but impotence to construct anything new, an individualistic declassed 'personality' whose actions are based only on foolish caprices."


Definition: Lacking ambition or purpose; lazy: a shiftless student. b. Characterized by a lack of ambition or energy: studied in a shiftless way. 2. Lacking resourcefulness or efficiency; incompetent.


Definition: a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior.

This explains why Antifa is generally unemployable, while simultaneously prone to outbursts and fits of rage that lead to violence, often against targets that are neutral, or in times where there's a lack of availability of a more suitable target will turn on loosely affiliated allies as the target of their aggression.