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Old 12-07-2018, 02:55 PM
apprentice04 apprentice04 is offline

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I romanticise the idea of beginning new because its the best time to play an mmo. The amount of enjoyment I have had out of mmo's peak with new server launches.

Populations on servers always dwindle regardless. Let me ask, what was the peak for p99 blue? Is it right now? Will it be tomorrow? Its definitely in the past. Population decline isnt a symptom of people getting bored and moving on because their stuff has a chance of disappearing a few years down the line. Technically that risk exists for every private server and to a lesser degree official servers too.

I also want to mention, I wasn't proposing a wipe of blue/red. My proposal was adding a third yellow/green/chartreuse server to compliment the other two.

I can tell my opinion isn't a popular one though, so I will just drop it. I apologize for the suggestion and will keep my ideas to myself.