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Old 07-09-2018, 05:38 AM
syztem syztem is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 964

oh! damn i completely forgot about triple attack. now am i even more anxious. especially on a 1hander that must be awesome. People dont really use nets on red, i think they may also have a cast time on them here, unsure. I will look into it though.

Do aura of battle items stack properly yet? I remember some of our rogues who had 2 + same buffs avatar/cotp none of us could go past 1490 even if one had 1 Aura of Battle and the other had 2 AoB items. only way to go higher was a bard atk song/epic proc. I think the hp regen stacked. this was over a year or two ago.