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Old 10-03-2020, 02:09 PM
Bigcountry23 Bigcountry23 is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 700

Have done the list several times since AC started popping. The Kingdom list is better than whoever is lead trying to manage a hand typed list of 70+ people (it was bad enough when it was at 30+ the first couple run throughs). You can go off and work on other things as long as you keep an eye on the website. Easy enough a caveman could do it.
Toons: Boommaster 60 Wiz/Tinkermaster 57 Mag/Taxican 60 Dru/Toofunk 60 Bard/Mada 60 Enc/Myskatonic 58 Shm/Rosecutter 60 Rog/Owna 52 Cle//Nyalarthotep 56 Nec/Torgon 57 Warrior
Guild:Good Guys