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Old 05-27-2019, 03:19 PM
gutterbrain gutterbrain is offline

Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 37

My path was pretty easy:
1-20 on turn ins (chips, scalps, ears)
20-25 animal charming in the karanas
25-30 charming mammoths in everfrost
30-35 charming cougars on cougar island in ic
35-40 quadding giants in FM or creatures in OT by FM zoneline
40-44 quadding yetis by the tunnel mouth in DL

Stopped there though because i just wanted a 44 druid to port my friends around and do DAP on the side but you can likely take yetis to 45. Find a group in com to 46 then lumi staff raptors>wyverns in cs>othmirs in cs>charming the bearlits 55-60