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Old 12-01-2019, 02:21 AM
kul69 kul69 is offline

Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 6

The reality is you're playing on P99, not classic EQ. No one knows why but the PMs want things to be this way. If it was up to the server community guilds like TMO would have been banned permanently the 100th time they RMT'd a new account to use cheats on to get loot and then have the account banned but the loot stays with the 10 core members of the guild. I mean they even caught like half the server using cheats at one point and gave them a slap on the wrist only for them to continue their cheat fueled raid tyranny. Abusing obvious P99 loopholes that aren't classic or weren't abused in classic and thus not nerfed is the bread and butter of raiding on P99. Accept it or accept you'll never be getting raid kills. The reality is that no one actually wants to play EQ. They're just addicted to the feeling of progress being made. The skinner box. So they'll poop sock 40 hours on camping green mobs so they can cheese dragons and feel like they're using some kind of sophisticated pro strat. In reality if those strats had been used in classic they would have been nerfed exactly as you're outlining. Nothing will be done.