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Old 08-07-2021, 05:18 AM
tadkins tadkins is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 589
Default Druid/Paladin duo

I recently rerolled from wizard. Half because I wanted to do more in the game that port people and quad wyverns, and partly because my sister who mains a paladin is getting to the point where she could use a good partner. Went full in on the reroll, sold most of my wizard's gear and everything.

Originally I rerolled as a shaman, but try as I might I just couldn't get into the class. Made it to 16 before I couldn't take it anymore. I know the class picks up much later, but I just got sick of looking at my troll pretty quickly and none of the other shaman races appealed to me either. I looked up some options and mulled them over. Enchanter seemed good but it also seemed like kind of a show-stealer, and I wanted my sister to be the star there. Necromancer also might have worked, strangely enough, but I decided on Druid in the end.

Just thinking about the future with this soon to be duo and had some questions.
1. Can this duo make it to 60?

2. In your guys' opinion, how well do you think this will work in the endgame? Would we be able to accomplish a lot with this setup?