Thread: Tradeskill Caps
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Old 11-15-2017, 01:14 PM
Axlrose Axlrose is offline

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 261

I could be wrong...

Research for the cloth casters appears to be

Maximum per level = ((current level - 15) * 5)

but since you cannot obtain this skill until level 16, if you train for it at level 16, you will default to 16. Any attempts to skill-up will not potentially gain you anything until you are at least level 19, where you maximum then becomes 20. From my meager attempts, it appears the first trivial spells are at 21. So if you wait until level 20 to train this skill, besides being set to having 20 in the skill, you are one point away from the first trivial spells.

I am not sure if you train this skill at a higher obtain level will it default to your current level or does it peak at a certain spot. That is, train at level 50 means you are set at 50?
Last edited by Axlrose; 11-15-2017 at 01:17 PM.. Reason: Clarification for the second to last sentence.