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Old 10-28-2020, 01:02 AM
SantagarBrax SantagarBrax is offline

Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 389

Whenever there is an authority figure absent, people will continue to push the envelope to see what they can get away with, just like children do when their parents are out of town for the weekend or insert obvious analogy <here>.

Blue was abandoned at Green launch for more than half a year with virtually no GM's around. A rivalry formed within Riot and those folks chose to leave with their mission statement being "take Riot out".

So began the game of skullfuckery. The pattern of escalation was clear, the blatant disregard for server rules was clear, the mentality of wanting to go back in time to the "Golden Girls" age was upon us: "Fraps or it didn't happen", training everything in NToV, "FTE Locks please", and "Unroot Dragons, it'll solve everything!" all the while lacking the intestinal fortitude to admit when you or your members performed a blatant violation against the well established rules or acting naive when it suited your purposes, let alone showing some integrity or class.

At what point did a GM say to himself, "maybe I should get a handle on this situation as the sheer amount of petitions flowing in is multiplying exponentially"? What course of action was decided upon to attempt to rewind this doomsday clock?

One pop into NToV during a cycle and one can easily see for yourself what's going on and this behavior could have been significantly reined in and squashed with some authority, yet, it never happened. Why not? It's in the best interest of the GM's to establish authority. Those couple of hours investment could have saved you 100 hours of reading petitions or having 400 people arriving at this foreseeable scenario with no end in sight.

Establish presence, set the tone and reinforce well established precedents or make new ones, not "handle it yourselves". You seriously want people with obvious animosity and ongoing disrespect towards one another to "figure it out"? That's like asking the Iranians to accept the Jewish state of Israel.

This was not good leadership on display here. At what point will someone with some authority step in and take charge of the situation? Its what's needed. You wanted to be in charge, Take Charge and usher in a new era of end game raiding on Blue that will be your legacy.