Thread: Wall not up
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Old 02-07-2019, 03:35 PM
Irulan Irulan is offline

Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 2,083

The crux of it is this. For me. Should the threat of economic sanction or force, force females to pee next to me? No.

Should the government force me to pee next to males? No.

Should I be free to install a unisex locker room at my business? Yes.

Should my community be free to chip in and build its own unisex facility at school? Yes. Should they be forced to? No

Should a female be free to identify me as an other and not belonging in their space? Well this has already happened on multiple occasions when both parties are absolutely biologically female and someone doesn't like that they have short hair, a tattoo, pants, whatever.

Should I be forced ever to provide my government documents? I can see this being a requirement for use of a female facility, but, should the government really have a say? And is everyone going to prove they are females or just the ones "they don't like".
Another great tranny example.

The government needs to be dismantled and deregulation needs to happen and freedom of association needs to happen.

Otherwise :

Discrimination happens a lot where I live. People can be turned away from a business or employment for basically any reason. The party refusing to serve doesn't typically list the reason as sex, gender, race, religion or whatever.

My ex was discriminated against for being a Wiccan. Nothing can be done about it in my state anyone can be fired without cause. The general population is not receptive to more regulation or government involvement in these matters.

The best way for this to be handled is at the peer level within the community that hosts the business.

There's no pressing discrimination apocalypse pending. There will be if people get fed up with two particular groups co-opting the federal government to enforce their beliefs and agenda on the populace.

It could backfire spectacularly for either side who has a dog in this fight.
Making the pro-anti football game a federal game is going to be the doom of this country as it will tentacle out into every aspect of your lives, what foods are permissible, what drugs u buy, what shifts your allowed to work, what insurance you can buy, where u can and can't travel, and how all these otherwise private minutia are tracked and monitored centrally. That would otherwise be between me you and God.

Now dumb shit like abortion, vapes, penises, and vaginas are the beginning of the slippery slope.