Thread: WinEQ2
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Old 11-24-2022, 11:57 PM
Ananka Ananka is offline

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Using Windows 11 on 2 monitors. Had a bunch of crashes just random like. Now I'm using WinEQ2 lite, the free version, along with borderlessgaming and it's working fine so far but I just got it.

Borderlessgaming can be found on Steam for 5 bucks. The free version was annoying to figure out so I went to Steam. Borderlessgaming let me click on non EQ things on the second monitor without the screen flashing with WinEQ2 alone. When clicked the other monitor the window on EQ would pop up from full screen but BG forces it back. Some hiccups with having to re-enable the BG full screen but it's okay.

I've just altered the foreground frame rate on WinEQ2 from 40 to 100 but I haven't tested it out yet.
Praise Amun!
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