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Old 12-12-2019, 08:20 PM
kaluppo kaluppo is offline

Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 295

That video is awesome! I had never seen it before. The comments below the video was entertaining too. If you are gonna cheat at least be good at it. Don't be so obvious in the game, use two computers with two keyboards side by side and learn to type fast one handed simultaneously. I suggest practicing two weeks on typing skills first.

Or just group with other friggin people!!!!!!!
Kaluppo Wood Elf Druid lvl 60 (blue) lvl 45 (green)
Norezferu High Elf Cleric lvl 60 (blue) lvl 40 (green)
Hulkthor Dwarf Paladin lvl 20 (blue)
Gavallin Wood Elf Ranger lvl 23 (blue)
Jardahni Human Monk lvl 2 (green)