Thread: Boxing Rules
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Old 02-07-2010, 01:49 AM
Tristin Tristin is offline

Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 98

There server that I played off and on for almost two years had a max population of about 100 at peak hours. So we pretty much had to box all the time. I miss two boxing for a couple simple reason.

I boxed a Ranger and a Druid, not the greatest combo there ever was but still having those two classes came in handy in several differnt situations. I was able to buff/heal/port myself and I didnt have to rely on other people. I know that EQ is a communal effort game but there were times when I was glad I didnt have to bumb a ride from a guild mate and things like that.

I was able to do a lot of thing alone. I could camp gear, do quests, and exp on my own. Again I realize the differnt classes were made so we would pretty much have to depend on each other but at times its nice to just do your own thing, especially if you are just a casual player and only have about an hour to play a couple times a week. I wont deny as proactive as I am about it, its hard to find groups sometimes.

If two boxing is aloud on this server eventually will I take advantage of it? Yes.

If things stay the way they are will I continue to enjoy myself and be thankful for everyone who makes playing here possible? Yes.

Do I think two boxing will hurt the server? No.