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Old 04-09-2018, 08:29 PM
Vareous Vareous is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

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Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 29
Default Info about Chardok AE

I plan to briefly talk about Chardok AE in one of my upcoming videos. As a large portion of my viewers don't play p99 I just want to be sure I have all the correct facts on the subject.

I have been playing on p99 since 2013 but never bothered looking into it while it was active. I know that it is a subject of contention amongst players on this server.

From what I have somewhat pieced together during my time playing, seeing the spam about proxy groups in EC tunnel and looking from the outside in:

Several high end players would gather together. I assume lots of enchanters for AE stun and lots of classes like wizards for AE damage. A monk then goes and pretty much pulls the entire zone to the zone line, then everyone else spams AE stun/nukes. My guess is there are spots in a "damage group" that get sold to people so they can sit there and soak up the XP.

Basically what I am asking for here is specifics.
  • How many people were needed to do this?
  • How many spots were sold per pull?
  • How did they ensure that the paying player was getting the XP
  • How much was the average price per pull (2k?)
  • What was the average XP gain here like for the people who payed, could they really get from 45 to 60 in a matter of days?
  • How much did each of the high end players get paid for the service?
  • Was there specific mobs the puller had to target or did he just grab everything he could.

Don't spare any details and please feel free to tell me about stuff I have missed. I want to read it all.

Reptox - 60 Monk
My Journey Through P99