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Old 08-12-2020, 04:05 PM
peterpal peterpal is offline

Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 193

It's pretty absurd that people think EQ raiding is harder than classic WOW. But there is the same group that think classic WOW is harder than retail and then never having played Mythic raids or high Mythic keystone dungeons.
The difficulty (and fun) in EverQuest is the leveling part, not explaining your path and figuring out where to go by yourself and how punishing dying is. But mechanically it really really isn't hard and it probably can't even be with the ancient netcode design.
Any new wow dungeon probably has more mechanics that you have to learn or dodge than the entirety of EQ or WOW classic.
Just a little extremely simplified example: there's a single dungeon boss where 4 members of your group have to enter the right random sequence of buttons within 5 seconds which is briefly shown mid fight or everyone dies amidst a myriad of other abilities and this happens multiple times throughout the fight. And this is not even a raid just a 5man dungeon