Thread: expose em
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Old 06-04-2019, 09:03 AM
frostcrypt frostcrypt is offline

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Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: FL
Posts: 31

Everyone on this server left are fucking 12 years olds or have no emotions. Troll all day long you are likely a fat kid that gets no pussy. As for the people I helped I hope it did some good. Andain truely is committed to a war that willl never be won but I salute him for all the good things he does for new players apex alts or not. I personally don’t have any hate to apex but don’t waste people’s time and money. Grow a pair of nuts. Guess I should detag and go kill 50 and 60s in rags triple kills so i can feel better about my small penis. If you’re still interested in my 2 60s fully geared hit me up non rmt. For the free if I know u well. I’ll choose someone.