Thread: Fox News
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Old 02-25-2021, 09:27 PM
Gwaihir Gwaihir is offline

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That's because anti-semitism combined with hate speech against transgenders is a grave offense.

If you want to defeat the powers that be, you have to become holier than them, and then God's blessing will assure your victory. According to the "Rofshild" and "elite, here" interviews, at the highest echelons of power...the power that holds the blackmail, does not live in sin. They don't eat meat, they don't steal, they don't lie, etc. They use the spiritual hierarchy to their advantage by exploiting cosmic law while deceiving those beneath them with the promise of illumination and immortality of the Qlipoth, but immortality does not come from the tree of Death and the power it affords is a false light.

Per the expositions of Flavius, Josephus', and the early Church Father's, the Ebionites original gospel of Matthew used the phrase "WiseR than serpents" not "as wise as"
Last edited by Gwaihir; 02-25-2021 at 09:45 PM..