Thread: EQTool
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Old 12-23-2022, 09:43 AM
smasherprog smasherprog is offline

Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 38

Spelling fixed, thanks!

So, there are several ways in the spell durations:
First, your spells durations are based on your lvl which you set in the settings page. I will add code to determine your level/class automatically eventually.

Others spells are all a best guess.
I use a combination of your level and the spells level to guess what lvl to apply to the duration. Normally, if for example, resolutions is cast on you and you are lvl 60, i will guess lvl 60 duration.

Conceptually, this is incorrect because a cleric who is lvl 60 would use a better spells, right? So, if i take the level of the spell only, then I will always guess in the wrong direction for characters who are lvl 60 because a lvl 50 spell will then have a level 50 duration applied to it instead of a lvl 60.

Additionally, some spells have overlapping messages: cloroplast, regegrowth, and the other lines. So, thats a best guess on which spell it is and what lvl to use. Again, i use YOUR level thinking that most of the time this will be the BEST guess possible.

You can turn this spell guessing feature off, but I have found its mostly accurate. Although, i havent used this tool to level a character up yet, but I will do that soon!
Last edited by smasherprog; 12-23-2022 at 10:06 AM..
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