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Old 06-12-2022, 12:25 PM
starkind starkind is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 6,357

we used to actually be way more violent towards our government and the rich businessmen throughout the 1900-1970's erra --- the elites where almost--- touchable.

something broke after the race riots.

We stopped being really truly violent except for kiddy shooters & select gangbangers (allowed to exist in gangbanger zones) and the government started killing anyone who threatened the hegemony of walmart and big businesses. The mafia went CIA, FBI or underground and all our best men started going overseas to die instead of staying at home and protecting their families. People got 'rights' to do stupid things with their minds and bodies and it became ok to be a drug addict and leach in a minimum wage job. It became OK to curse in public and yell and scream and throw tempertantrums about your bigmacs and harras ppl for not getting ur way. At some point we stopped being able to kill these ppl and correct the course of society through natural selection. Their kids became sacred objects never to be touched or have their asses handed to them or shown truly violent bloody murder.

What happened to us as a species? How did we get here?


CNN and the news and ppl they talk a lot about these shootings

they don't have gopro footage of them blasted every day for ppl to wake the fuck up and get woke

kids aren't drilled with firearm usage



every once in awhile i get frustrated and I want to get my shit together and do something about all this and show ppl the way forward towards independence, but then I get shot down by some mental block/programming I think was put into me in the 80's with psychedelics and torture and I wonder if everyone is like this like they didn't do something to childrens brains some how. Something not obvious. Something really subversive with media and games and movies and sugar and popcorn. like 99% of ppl are just unaware and unable to admit it

and it's this, this block this question that begs me to ask, why would G-d make me like this and it is the single biggest doubt creating force in my life -- maybe G-d designed me to only fight demons and I just am programmed this way at some deep inner level where I can't follow through with being a tyrant. Even though that is what people need right now.

We need absolute tyranny. People need to see what it's like to have absolutely no choice no freedom no power. So they can respect what they do have and build on it again.
Last edited by starkind; 06-12-2022 at 12:33 PM..
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