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Old 02-25-2015, 11:49 AM
harnold harnold is offline

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Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 247
Default Why do you still waste your life doing the same exact things?

You finally level up your first character to 60. Oh the wonderful opportunities available to get some new gear! You spend a shitload of time and effort raiding/farming/etc. and get some pieces of gear.

And then it hits you, what is the point? Just so you can generate platinum again and start a new character?

To be able to go into HS or Seb and solo to make some more platinum?

Does that extra resist or hp on your character really matter at all? Your already 60, your wasting your life away for some trivial gear that is going to have absolutely no use except to generate platinum to twink a new character? There isnt a mob in the game at this point you havent killed (some losers even killed the same mobs hundreds of times in the past few years lol)

Every man will hit this road at some point in his life and realize what an absolute waste of time the Everquest endgame is. At least back in the day the excitement was always fresh because new expansions and content came out fairly quickly.

Just curious what you hardcore neckbeards are even doing this for, have you even put an ounce of thought into what a waste of time this is and how much better your life would be if you put that time into something else?