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Old 10-20-2017, 08:44 AM
Bleedalbeans Bleedalbeans is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 20

Had an idea for a quick spur of the moment events.

Seems easy in my head, but Cylock tell me if I'm mistaken.

When there are a couple of groups or more people in same zone/level range find a "good sport" player and designate them as a target after oking it beforehand. If there is enough people maybe a "good sport" group as a target. Offer them a participation prize and a rez on their likely death or a greater prize if they live.

After finding the target and telling them to bank/hide/buff then put a server/zone-wide bounty on them. Server pvp announced kill shot gets bounty; maybe a guise or legacy item depending on the level of the targets as a reward.

Do the bounty "quest" part as GMPC Firiona Vie or Mayong Mistmoore or Al'Kabor etc. for bonus rp points (if not too hard to pull off).

The idea is that it uses intact p99 systems (pvp announcements), can be done whenever opportunity allowed, promotes pvp interaction, and offers a change of pace to the grind.

Keep it to a single zone or expand it to whole continents/entire server if you wanted. Very modular concept. If not for current guild makeup on the server getting a whole guild to be targets would be fun as well.

As long as the "good sport" is told not to be exploitative and die/fight with honor and they get some kind of reward plus a GM rez it shouldn't be too bad. And as a GM you can watch the target go down to make sure it's all kosher. As well as take some screenshots for promotion of future events.

Anyway it seemed pretty easy to do at a drop of a hat if we happened have a dozen or so people on in same level range.