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Old 05-31-2011, 12:57 PM
Skope Skope is offline

Join Date: Apr 2010
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Posts: 767

what? why?

What the GMs need to do here is stop giving a crap about leading the babies by their hands and let it settle itself. No training? fine. FTE / KSing, it's all fair game.

Not a single server on live had variance. Small guilds succeeded because they had less people to key and get epics/loot for before they moved on to the next step. Here, because of variance, you mass recruit and you'll increase your chances. On live people knew when shit died -- exactly 3 days ago. When's it gonna pop? Exactly 3 days from now. Either the players/GMs came up with and enforced the rules (rotation, FTE, FFA) and it worked itself out, or they simply didn't make up any rules at all.

As it stands, the furthest thing from a classic experience on this server is the raid situation, and it's been this way for years now.
Last edited by Skope; 05-31-2011 at 01:02 PM..