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Old 10-11-2019, 09:19 AM
boffius boffius is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 24

i port for free, CR or not. i can probably count on 2 hands the number of times i've accepted donations, and usually it's when someone insists after i've cancelled the first trade they've offered, or if they tip via /split and i don't have an opportunity to pay them back or don't wanna bother with it. why?

playing EQ is a form of entertainment, and quite a time sink. running from place to place is one of the tedious parts that is ... less entertaining. i remember slowly running my war around, and slowly going broke paying for ports to avoid that. with the wiz, i can save other people both of those hassles. and within my guild, the favor is returned and i don't pay for ports on my other toons (i still offer modest tips if i have to go outside the guild).

if your enjoyment of EQ comes from accumulating plat, great, have fun with that. but don't feel automatically entitled to leech off other players to do it. it's only play money, FFS.