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Old 01-12-2018, 03:49 PM
Lulz~Sect Lulz~Sect is offline

Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: Brooklyn
Posts: 882

I’m about to blow your minds.

I used to work at the New York Times many, many years ago. When the Haiti earthquakes happened, I was performing a survey of the executive editor’s area in the heart of the newsroom. There was a huddle going on about the Haiti disaster and one prominent libcuck editor scoffs with disdain and says,

“pfffttt, come on people; it’s not like it was an earthquake in California people”

Laughs all around. I of course joined in on the laughing and got the ol atta boy nods from the good old boys.

The entire world full of shit bros. None of it matters. Fuck everybody that isn’t us.

That’s what’s up.