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Old 11-20-2022, 07:51 PM
varglbargl varglbargl is offline
Decaying Skeleton

Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 1

Hey, first post ever, just here to share some info on the effect-wearing-off message bug. So something I noticed was that I was getting the bug last night after installing the patch. but then this morning after logging on, the very first spell effect I cast did actually correctly display its wearing-off message one, and only one, time.

I tried to replicate this by camping and re-entering the world, ctrl-alt-deleting and reopening Everquest, restarting my computer, shutting down and switching off my power supply for a few mins to really restart my computer, switching to another character, creating a new character, creating a new character on a new server.... and no luck.

I have not been able to replicate that one time a spell wearing-off message managed to show up. But, I don't know, sharing what I tried in case it's helpful. Like maybe it's actually something to do with the amount of time that passed overnight that caused the spell-wearing-off text to show up correctly once before breaking again. It feels like the fact that it was the very first spell I cast today that worked might be a useful clue at least.

Or maybe you (the devs, if you're reading) already know the cause and this was a big waste of time but if not I'd totally be willing to keep trying things to see if I can get the text to display correctly again like that. If you think that would help narrow down a cause, I'm stuck at home with covid so I've got the free time lol.