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Old 10-13-2019, 08:49 AM
rikustrength rikustrength is offline

Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 72

Honestly if you're with friends do whatever you all agree on. If you want to do nbg and help get a particular person geared with stuff that drops there then go for it, but the whole premise of nbg is pretty flawed in pug.

So you're at a camp that doesn't drop any caster gear and you're a caster? Whatever melee stuff is dropping is literally just as valuable to you as it is to the players that can actively equip it. You don't deserve loot any less than anyone else simply by merit of having made a character that doesn't have specific loot drops there. "I can equip this so I deserve an upgrade" is flawed logic. That item has value to everyone. Go round Robin on loot until everyone has something, and offer to trade if you want. Half the party being precluded from getting anything for no reason sucks. Esp on green where we are all starting over.