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Old 08-08-2016, 11:58 PM
Aesop Aesop is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Alaska
Posts: 934

Dingy rooms and deserted halls
Were once filled with insignia of rank.

Fields choked with weeds and blighted trees
Were once scenes of dancing and song.

While here spiders weave their webs between
carved beams

There they replace window mats with silken

Boast not that you wear your powder and rouge

But grieve that your temples will soon be
covered in frost.

Tonight a pair of cooing doves under red bridal

Tomorrow a heap of bleached bones like
those of yesteryear.

Chests filled with gold, chests filled with silver--
In a twinkling beggars despised by all.

One moment we grieve over a short-lived friend,
The next we are ourselves overtaken by

Careful as we may be with our sons,
We cannot be certain they will not turn
bandits and thieves.

We would all bring up our daughters to be ladies,
But who can say they will not end up in
courtesans' quarters?

Discontent with one's position
May bring chains upon one's feet.

Yesterday, 'twas the coat because it was not warm

Today, 'tis the dragon robe because it is too

What bustle and confusion, as one set of actors
exits and another enters,

Each taking the illusory for the real.
What stupidity; for in the end, in the end
One only wears out one's fingers for someone
else's trousseau.