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Old 03-20-2019, 07:53 AM
JurisDictum JurisDictum is offline

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The world's happiest countries REVEALED: Finland comes top while South Sudan is the bleakest as the UK climbs the table and the US falls to its lowest ranking EVER

Finland has been crowned the happiest country in the world for the second year in a row, leading a top ten that is made up of five Nordic nations.

The World Happiness Report, released today, ranked 156 countries by happiness levels, based on factors such as life expectancy, social support and corruption.

But while the Nordic nations of Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland topped the table, there was no sign of Britain in the top ten.

The UK placed 15th, up from 19th last year, one above Ireland and four above the US - which came in at its lowest ranking ever at 19th.
And we combine that with People want higher taxes on rich, better welfare - 21-country OECD survey

In light of the high level of discontent, a majority of people wanted their government to do more in all countries except France and Denmark, whose welfare systems are among the most generous in the world.


Not only did people say they were not getting their fair share given what they paid into the system, people in all countries except Canada, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands did not think that their governments were heeding their views.

"These feelings spread across most social groups, and are not limited just to those deemed 'left behind'," the OECD said in an analysis of the survey's results.

The feeling of injustice was even higher among the highly educated and high-income households, it added
We are not lead by our best. We lead by rapists, murders, thieves, and some -- I assume -- are good people.
Last edited by JurisDictum; 03-20-2019 at 08:11 AM..