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Old 05-12-2021, 02:53 PM
starkind starkind is offline

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Originally Posted by Clazxiss [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Even though I've been out of the game for a year, I couldn't resist responding to this thread. First and foremost, I believe enchanters are functioning as they truly were intended to function. The enchanter was my main character for the entire time I played live. Was charm unreliable, even with high charisma? Yes. Were there "creative" ways to work around this issue, yes. But ask yourselves this question about the charm spells, was it a true intention from the Verant team for them to be innately unreliable? I suspect this was not the case!

Thanks to the efforts of Nilbog, Rogean, and the P99 crew, I feel this version of EQ is a more balanced game than what live was in terms of spell behavior. Even the lull line of spells can be dependable, which they weren't on live. And why this is, I have my suspicions, but I'll say one name, Absor.

This is a man who was supposed to be the liaison between Verant and the community. Below is an except from a thread about the nasty enchanter charm nerf during PoP. It details how he supposedly came to the conclusion of what the charm nerf should.

Poster: Cantatus
"And then despite all the rants on our boards about Sony completing ignoring other concerns of ours while continually bashing us with the nerfbat as if we were in a game of Whack-A-Mole the Charm nerf was handled the exact same way. Did the pleading of them discussing the changes with us like they did in the case of Manaburn to Wizards and mitigation changes to Monks gain us the same curtousy? No. All we got was Absor telling us that they had been working closely with 5 Enchanters on Test to ensure the CoD changes weren't too horrible. Apparently those 5 Enchanters speak the gospel truth despite the fact that not only tons of Enchanters think the nerf was overdone but also several other classes."

Original thread here:

So that might be it. 5 Enchanters who play on the test server may have decided what the nerf would be for the rest of the population. That is textbook asinine by today's standards of MMORPG testing. Absor is the same man that argued "druids are fine" as they dominated each expansion in terms of solo ability while also being able to offer group utility. I suspect the coding for enchanter charm was gimped from launch on live and no one on the Verant team took the time to correct it. Couple that with Absor's ability to turn cheek on non druid classes and you have the reason why charm was unreliable.

I'm keeping my tin foil hat on for this. I believe I'm right!
Double triple /s

But you're wrong about one thing. EQ classic is not designed for the players or by today's MMO standards where if warlocks bitch enough pre expansion launch they get a blanket 10% buff across the board.

Back in the day the decisions were made by one or two people to suit the desires of the devs. With the input of maybe their enchanter buddy on test, maybe taken into consideration.

If the devs from the Verant days saw how charm, channeling, and lulls where used herei. P99, and memblurs. They would have been nerfed into the ground.

Necromancer should be top classic class, followed closely by druids in popularity and shamans in actual power.

Ench, wiz, and mages all fell about equal in power. Because the Froglok King, Fungus King, whatever have u would've literally sliced them all to shreds with three attacks even with runes.

Necromancers where the only class that could reliably get single mobs rooted and parked and murdered with dots and pets.

Charm sucked. It was a gimmick, always intended to be a gimmick.