Thread: Spells: Bard Aggro
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Old 03-26-2023, 05:03 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline
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Indication that bard songs had their aggro reduced yet again, post-Velious, as an answer to complaints previously highlighted.

Eladuel is not online. Last active: 1/18/2005 1:51:19 PM Eladuel
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Re: Keeping aggro...
Posted: May 18 04 1:36 AM
Bards have a wierd code where the things we do cause agro just at a reduced rate, I figure it was to fix the problems with bards dying to fast when twisting. The problem with this is it also affects our procs so weopons that proc stun and slow won't be nearly effective if another class were using. Other then using the generic chants, charms, and sitting which will create a bit of agro not sure if it will be enough to say keep a BoT giant on you when a healer is ch'ing the only other path I know of is to get a weopon that procs a set ammount of hate like enraging blow aka BoC... so start saving your pennies or find a guild who is still willing to do AoW for a bard LOL
Below, more comments to support that songs were known to cause significant aggro, some more than others such as shield of song.

Topic: What class dies the least/most?
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posted April 14, 2001 10:57 PM Profile for Elasto Author's Homepage Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote
Enchanters and bards definitely top.
Monks usually at the bottom if solo, but if pulling can often sacrifice themselves trying to split and not letting anyone heal them.

Necros at the bottom solo, but in a group die as much as any caster.

Druids dont often die outside with snare and sow.

Shaman are very hardy, since they have good ac, a pet to share tanking and fight increasingly slowed mobs as they level.

Worth noting that although clerics come somewhere in the middle, once they hit 49 they never die without getting a res


Elasto, 57 Cleric

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Never Wiser
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posted April 15, 2001 02:07 AM Profile for Never Wiser Author's Homepage Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote
Hmm.. I'd have to agree with chanters, they get smoked fast. FD classes easily die the least too.
I have a 50 bard and to tell ya the truth, I find it hard to believe a bard dies easy. There's so many ways to get away, it's crazy.. Of course, I do die alot, but that's because I am always testing stuff, biting off more than I can chew, etc. hehehe

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New Message RE:Why are Bards so cool? (modified 0 times) Irony
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Hehe, reading the thread I notice that there are way too many people who don't exactly know what they're talking about.
Let's face it, bards are masters at nothing except versatility. While we can't heal as good as clerics, we heal better than warriors. While we can't buff as good as shamans, we buff much better than wizards. While we can't melee as good as monks, we melee much better than magicians. While we can't mez as good as chanters, we mez much better than SKs, while others have to med, we can continue kiting/charming/mezzing/healing/buffing and such. If you have a bard in your group, there will hardly be any situation that you can't handle. Bards have quite a few skills that most other classes lack: Safe Fall (absolutely necessary to avoid being killed by falling at high speed), Instill doubt (kinda gimmick, not too helpful but looks nice), Pick Lock (yes, we can pick some locks). You're in a dungeon and need to evac but the mobs keep hitting the dr00id/wizzy? AE fear will buy them the time necessary to cast (keep that memorized all the time, it's a lifesaver). Group invis, group water breathing, group protection (all resists can be addressed), group healing, group travel speed, group haste (30% haste at lvl 50 which is 10% more than the FBSS) and all that at *NO* mana cost. Not to mention the always-welcome chorus of clarity (and the upgrade song). BTW, the clarity songs (version one and two) beat the enchanter spells by a point or two. Oh, very handy: Group divine aura at level 60 (or 59?).
Yes, we can wield 2 weapons but since we have considerably low hp and are relatively weak, our main weapons are our instruments (try twisting the 2 chant songs (fire and cold) and fufil's with a drum on a mob, I guarantee you can taunt it off 3 warriors. Oh yes, we can snare, we have group damage shields...
You get the point: While we're not best at anything, we can do everything a bit. I have a 48 necro and a 47 bard (and 6 other chars below lvl 30). And the most noticeable difference between them all is: No class is as much fun to play as the bard.
I just wished, people knew more about bards. When I get into a group and tell them how bards handle things, they are usually amazed ('I didn't know bards could do THAT' or 'Weee...nifty song, great idea to twist it with that other song').
Just my 2cp....
Irony Truenote
Bard of (still) 47 songs on Innoruuk

Aug 31, 2000 05:14:50 A.M.
New Message RE:Why are Bards so cool? (modified 0 times) Sanctumquestris
An evolution of Bard appreciation:
lvls 1-5: Thought they were strange looking Elvis-like people playing miniture guitars.

lvls 5-15: Disliked bards because they always got beat up, did little damage, and songs didnt do much for me.

lvls 15-25: hmm, cant remember seeing any bards...

lvls 25-30: high level bard helps me get deep inside a dungeon for a somewhat rare drop with an invis and levitate song, hmm well maybe bards arent so bad...

lvls 31-34: Noticed bards have a mana regen song... very nice, less of a need for the sought after ench as a group member. (XYZ says bard looking for group). you say to your group: "get the bard"

lvl 35: watched a bard not much higher than me solo hill giants in lake rath by some combination of kiting and charming. Wow, bards are cool !!!

lvl 36: made a bard

Nov 26, 2000 03:26:43 A.M.

01:50:50 Jun 28, 2001

This Weapon isn't as good as it seems By: Anonymous
Posted @ Fri, May 11th 8:59 PM Score: Default[2.00]
I've been playing my lvl 54 bard for a long time and if you are playing your bard well, this weapon will most likely get you killed. The reason is I generate a metric f*ckload of hate as it is. When I'm playing 4 songs in a group, mobs are pissed off at me enough as it is, with this weapon it would take a VERY uber war to taunt it off of me be for I get creamed. This weapon is great for all the bards out there that don't know how to twist songs very well, but if you are one of those bards and you are going to any of the very dangerous parts of Norrath, I pity your group.
RE: This Weapon isn't as good as it seems By: Anonymous
Posted @ Tue, May 29th 12:07 PM Score: Default[2.00]
I'm a level 55 bard, can do crowd control (to an extent of replacing an enchanter), can twist 4 songs at any given time, have my epic that procs often...and i DONT generate a lot of aggro. I think you need to learn a bit about aggro management...
RE: This Weapon isn't as good as it seems By: Zelandakh,
9 posts
Posted @ Wed, May 16th 6:06 PM Score: Decent[3.00]
Any good bard should have experimented enough to know how to control their aggro expertly, especially by their 50s. If you were using this in conjunction with your epic and had aggro problems you'd have to consider your twist carefully, choosing lower aggro songs where appropriate and perhaps using song of dawn from time to time. Seriously though, if you are doing your job and the war is doing theirs you shouldn't have a real problem unless there's something distinctly wrong.

(-: Zel :-)
RE: This Weapon isn't as good as it seems By: Anonymous
Posted @ Mon, May 14th 8:52 PM Score: Default[2.00]
What are you singing, shield of song? only way I can draw mobs off the tanks is with that or DoTs... our regens and buffs increase in power linearly vs. melee damage which increases quadratically (which means we taunt lots with them at low levels but tanks outtaunt them with damage alone at high levels). With this weapon I could finally do more melee damage than a shammy with an epic!

explaination for the non bards Reply...
Posted @ Tue, Jul 24th 9:54 AM 2001
By: Kollins
198 posts
Score: Good [3.77]
-you give up two weapons to equip an instrument, those two weapons may have + stats like AC or dex or agi or something.
-store bought lute weighs either 1.0 or 0.1, store bought mandolin weighs 0.0, THIS weighs 5.0 making it one of the heaviest string instruments in the game.
-most string based songs worth memorizing have a high taunt value, niv's and hymm alone do over 60hp/tick of regen, that nets a combined taunt of 360hp every 6 seconds if you are in a full group not to mention the nuke absorption or str buff of niv's adds more taunt.
-one of the coolest bard songs I've used is string based and has an INSANE taunt factor (I'm not telling, find a 50+ bard worth their salt and ask them; besides wo be me for inciting a nerf) and if you find a reason to use it you need ALL the AC you can get considering I was out taunting a wizard chain casting AEs with C2 up, an enchanter chain casting grav flux and the cleric keeping me alive through the ordeal.

So I'd gladly take the AC and the HP and although I may complain about lugging a 5.0 stone instrument around I could definitly live with it.

1 Replies
RE: explaination for the non bards Reply...
Posted @ Wed, Mar 27th 2:33 AM 2002
By: StefenWavedreamer
3 posts
Score: Default [1.55]
A bard would want to taunt why? LOL, ask a level 50+ bard why they would want to take the punches instead of a warrior. We may be melee, but we aren't tanks.

Minstrel of RodcetNife
1 Replies
RE: explaination for the non bards Reply...
Posted @ Thu, Jul 18th 8:22 AM 2002
By: ModarakModersack
78 posts
Score: Good [3.50]
Actually, he did not say anywhere that bards *want* to outtaunt a warrior. He merely states that the string based songs worth playing (Nivs, SoS, Cantata ..) have huge taunt potential, especially with a good instrument.
You may not want to get agro off a tank (if you have any), but how about taking mobs off your chanter/cleric/wizard?

Please don't assume what a 50+ bard might want and cease LOLing at people giving good input.

Edited, Thu Jul 18 08:36:53 2002

[55 Ministrel] Modarak Modersack (Wood Elf)
[65 Arch Lich] Knochi Blutwurst (Iksar)
Kael Drakkal
1 Replies
RE: explaination for the non bards Reply...
Posted @ Sun, Feb 2nd 9:54 AM 2003
By: Recursion
35 posts
Score: Decent [2.91]
He's talking about shield of songs. Its a group rune spell. If you chain cast it as fast as possible, its high aggro and while it won't turn you into a true tank, will make you much better at taking damage.

I guess if your tank went down and you were the only melee type left, this strategy could work, though normally I would just mezz and heal.
0 Replies
AC for Lute is important for SoS Reply...
Posted @ Sat, May 5th 4:28 AM 2001
By: Anonymous
Score: Default [2.00]
I have found that when chain playing sheild of song for whatever reason.. this is a huge taunt.. and since SoS is based of the lute this helps alot if ur trying to protect your group this way
RE: Lvl 50?!? Reply...
Posted @ Wed, Mar 21st 10:29 AM 2001
By: Palarran
118 posts
Score: Decent [3.30]
Many bard songs seem to have a high taunt, especially ones related to crowd control.
You'd better be able to take a beating until things can be taunted off you, even if you don't have to absorb hits continuously like a tank would...
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