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Old 11-14-2019, 02:49 AM
commongood commongood is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 759

Method to start turning in heads to Bvellos while still being KoS (requires some help):

Have someone snare Bvellos (must be Ensnare for its duration).

Have a chanter charm him with Dictate at EW zl.

Have chanter park him using pet guard right around a corner at zl.

Have everyone zone out (chanter last) to clear aggro. He will just stand in place due to being shared and having no aggro.

Be grouped chanter (or someone else that can invis you).

Zone in, get close enough to open trade window with Bvellos from around the corner. You won’t get attacked due to no line of sight.

Once you have trade window open with 4 heads have a group member cast invis on you. You must be invis when clicking trade.


It took me, I wanna say, less than 5-6 turn ins to get out of scowls but could be I’m miss remembering. In any case it wasn’t many. Once out of KoS you’re free to turn in rest of your heads with no tricks.