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Old 07-01-2012, 04:59 PM
Whit Whit is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 27

They're all good at taking damage, if that's what you're asking. At later levels, the warrior distinguishes himself slightly in regards to damage mitigation. The problem with warrior is his ability to gain and retain aggro is lacking, in relation to the pally and especially the sk, who has the best snap aggro. With paladin, you'll be able to attract aggro with your blind spell and later on, your stuns. If making a warrior, try to invest in a couple Osidian Shards, or other similar proc'ing weapons. They attract a lot of aggro.

As far as holding the attention of adds, a lot of that relies on the rest of your group, whether or not they're assisting you, if there's a good CC player, etc. Grab the attention of mobs if you can, but focus on taking down one target at a time. Otherwise, you're wasting healer mana.