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Old 05-09-2022, 11:59 AM
starkind starkind is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 6,357
Default IN Velious ROot, snares, and Stuns, BLIND!!! and DDs, Zone lines.

Should always have a >= 50% chance to land in pvp but have a slightly reduced duration --- say 50% duration decrease.


Should always land for 70-100% of dmg. Regardless of resists based on level.

If you get swarmed by a bunch of casters and you are alone you deserve to die.

Also if you are 1v1ing a caster and u can't LoS their spells you deserve to die.

Also if you hit a zone line you should bounce back 5 feet and be stunned for 5 seconds if you have been in pvp within 1 minute.

Mobs shouldn't cause EXP death on pvp servers and corpses summoners should be available in the major cities with a 1 hr cooldown.

I think this would balance pvp a fair bit and give clerics a bit more of an offensive chance in situations were they need to be more offensive.

Mez/charm/ and fear should all behave the same thing in pvp and be very similary to like a 3 second stun. Except the bard one which needs a cooldown per bard on players. Pixie strike or whatever. I guess if 12 bards want to do shenanigains on one player they should be allowed, 1 bard is the most firegiantistfaydarkiest, thing in EQ. Give them full DD dmg in pvp or something.

Also every class should get hard locked at 25% of OGRE BOW levels in PVP regardless of MH equip INCLUDING OGRES, except maybe rangers. Give every class throwing or archery. Maybe add in some magic rocks for clerics to throw. (we'll always assume they can use their underwear or bras or sweatbands or belts or sashes or whatever for slings so they don't need one equiped to throw the magic rocks)
Last edited by starkind; 05-09-2022 at 12:05 PM..
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